Impaler is published. It’s currently available from Amazon’s Kindle Store and from my publisher, Naked Reader Press. Other ebook stores will follow, and there will be a print edition as well. It’s been an interesting journey, and it’s hard to believe that this stage is almost over. The next stage, of course, is selling the Read More…
Tag: publications
Impaler news
I have a cover for Impaler, and a publication date! This makes it seem so much more real. Me being, well, me, I think it would feel even more real with an actual physical book to hold, but cover art that gets the mood of the book and a solid schedule is almost as good. Read More…
New Year and a new start
After spending quite a bit of time reorganizing things here and making the place fit to be seen (an activity mirrored by what’s been happening in the house), I’m finally ready to call the site ‘live’ – that is, I’m committing to regular updates about writing, life in the writing world, and pretty much anything Read More…