Acknowledgments and Links

Useful Links

Sites I’ve found helpful for technical and other information


Sites and tools that I’ve used

  • Cool Text – choose a style, adjust the color and font, add your text and you have a button, logo or banner.
  • Favicon builder – it does exactly what it says – build a custom favicon from an image or draw your own.

One thought on “Acknowledgments and Links

  1. It isn’t autopilot. We share our brains with “others”. I discovered this when I would fall asleep late at night trying to make 500 words that day.

    I fell asleep. Someone kept typing. Whoever “they” were, they had their own ideas.

    I could tell this wasn’t “me” typing. I would have to proofread to delete actual words, actual sentences, and in one case, several paragraphs. One of my favorite gifts from my subconscious was “My blog is the frog I am not.”

    Is this what comes out to play in our dreams? I noticed “my” subconscious does not know geography as “I” do. I remember a map in a dream. Kansas doesn’t look like that.

    Geography is one of my major hobbies. When I meet someone from another country, I can draw a map of their country on a blank sheet of paper. So the memory files in “our” brain have good maps. So why does this other mind “I” share this brain with, not have access to the maps in our mind? It touch types as well as “I” do.

    So it isn’t autopilot. It is a co-pilot taking over the controls. A co-pilot we don’t understand. A mind with a mind of its own, in case you wonder why you find the car heading to the donut shop, when you were focused on something else

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