The Power of the Puppy

So I make a wisecrack in today’s Mad Genius Club post, just a throwaway line about killing the hero’s puppy. It’s at the end of a long piece about minor characters and where they fit into things (pets qualify as minor characters). So what does everyone fixate on? You guessed it. “You can’t kill the Read More…


Sunday Pot-pourri

The end sequence of the current book has finally clarified itself. If I can make this work it’s going to be a wild ride. Hopefully also a funny one, although that will depend on just how things pan out once I get into the writing. There are going to be a lot of balls in Read More…


Two Steps Forward One Step Back

Progress of a sort – the sequel to ConVent is back on the active list, and words are being added. As always, snatching time in between everything else, which means that when work or home stuff goes insane, not much wordage happens. Big plus, hubby finally has a working computer again. We’ve also got a Read More…


It’s been a Day

Husband had wisdom teeth out – one of them with roots that had grown into the sinus cavity (nasty) – so today was largely working from home with interruptions to take him to the hospital and bring him home. I still managed to get a post in for Mad Genius Club for tomorrow, where I Read More…


Stepping on hot buttons

I’m rather good at stepping on hot buttons – not intentionally, I just seem to manage to do it without realizing where I’m going. Most of the time, I can keep my own hot buttons out from underfoot, but occasionally something hits one and it’s on for one and all. SEE! The Kate Shred-O-Matic dispense Read More…



I post at Mad Genius Club. It’s the first of a 3-post series about Impaler: why I wrote it, and the choices I made when I wrote it. Me being me, there are also excursions into the nature of good and evil, how history distorts the view of the past, and a whole lot of Read More…


Doomy Mad Geniusness

I’ve gone meandering on about Doom as the publishing industry in general appears to think is happening and why it isn’t (or possibly is, depending on where you’re standing) over at the Mad Genius Club. Much weirdness follows – which is what usually happens when I get a bit tired and punchy. I’m dangerous after Read More…
