Life, cycling, whatever. It’s hilly around here, and while I’m pretty good with downhill, uphill kicks my butt something fierce. I’m recovering faster than I was when I started this, but I’m still puffing like a bloody steam engine when I get back from a ride, mostly from the uphill parts. Alas, I’m not going Read More…
Author: Kate Paulk
Counting days
I’m taking a week’s vacation from the day after Independence Day, and I am so looking forward to it. Hopefully I’ll actually start waking up at some point and be able to do things. Or at least, things that are not work, since work is occupying most of my spoons at the moment. Nothing bad, Read More…
Mad Genius Club Post Tomorrow
I’ve just finished setting up tomorrow’s post at the Mad Genius Club, in which I ramble for a while about the drawbacks of trying to serve some fiction with your message. I suspect the damn headaches may have at least a little allergy influence, since I’m sneezing more than I should be and my sinuses Read More…
You have been warned: here be whinging. I can live with the narcolepsy and being constantly tired. I can live with the allergies and their intermittent flare-ups. I can even live with the assorted aches and pains that come with being nearly 50 and not terribly fit. But I am so fucking tired of the Read More…
That moment when
… you find yourself explaining the arcane business logic behind something that confused the living daylights out of you when you started working there. And realize that you’ve been there close to 4.5 years. And you actually understand most of what’s going on behind the scenes. This is particularly scary since most of what’s going Read More…
Fell off the wagon again
This time with the aftermath of the medication mixup. I’ve been ridiculously tired and generally unwell, with the inevitable result that I get home and do nothing. It’s immensely frustrating because I know I don’t have to be this way. Alas, right now, I need to stay patient. It could be another week or two Read More…
Failures of Consequence
So I heard this morning that once again our loving dicta… ahem… government wishes to double down on the so-called “war on drugs”. Again. Which leaves me thinking that the persons making this alleged decision are dumber than the average rock – or even the below-average rock – because the “war on drugs” has been Read More…
You might be a writer if
you read something and immediately find yourself thinking they did it wrong and building the story you think it should have been you think in narrative your characters are more real to you than the people you work with in your day job …and not just because you know them better your spouse/partner knows better Read More…
One Day Plus One Pill Later
I’m not all the way back to Kate-normal yet, but I’m getting there. No lurking headache and no fuzzy-headedness for a start, plus I actually have a few spoons left after work where most of the last week I’ve been struggling to make it through work. It’s quite remarkable the difference that one little pill Read More…
The narcolepsy meds arrived in today’s mail. Let us all give thanks for our blessings, since this means I won’t be driving unmedicated and I won’t be staggering through the day half-asleep. For those who aren’t familiar with the impact of narcolepsy, without meds I operate roughly at the level of someone coming off about Read More…