Impaler is published. It’s currently available from Amazon’s Kindle Store and from my publisher, Naked Reader Press. Other ebook stores will follow, and there will be a print edition as well. It’s been an interesting journey, and it’s hard to believe that this stage is almost over. The next stage, of course, is selling the Read More…
Tag: Dracula
It’s been a Day
Husband had wisdom teeth out – one of them with roots that had grown into the sinus cavity (nasty) – so today was largely working from home with interruptions to take him to the hospital and bring him home. I still managed to get a post in for Mad Genius Club for tomorrow, where I Read More…
Sunday Pot-Pourri
End of the week update – which I hope to make a regular post. I’ve got most of the website and associated hookups in place and doing what they should I’ve switched over my .sig to Impaler on my main email. I still need to set my assorted newsgroup posting .sigs to do the same Read More…
Not the Dracula you were expecting
The Man Behind the Monster
(This is the third of a series of three blog posts. The previous two posts can be found at Mad Genius Club and The Naked Truth.) All of the things I described in the previous posts dug up a fair amount of information about Prince Vlad Dracula. What they didn’t do was give me any Read More…
Changing the mood
Spent a good chunk of the weekend on a short story for the next Valdemar anthology – the draft is about 3/4 done, then there’s all the usual polishing and cleanup to be done. It’s such a complete change of pace and mood from what I have been working on I have writer whiplash. Note Read More…