Lunacon Schedule

I have my tentative schedule for Lunacon next week!

Friday 5pm – Reading

Saturday 6pm – Invisible Collaborator or Paid Fanfiction – I’m in stellar company here, with Ginjer Buchanan and Bob Greenberger.

Saturday 7pm – Dracula vs Undead Porn – Ginjer Buchanan (she’ll think I’m stalking her), Chuck Rothman and KT Pinto.

Sunday 1pm – World-Building for Historical/Fantasy Fiction – Esther Friesner, Russ Handleman, Pauline Alama and Paulk Calhoun

Sunday 3pm – Writing Battle Scenes – Gail Martin, Michael Ventrella, and Joshua Palmatier

(Apologies to anyone whose name I mangled)

It looks like being a busy and fun convention.


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