Progress – a little writing happened this week. I’m skittering from one thing to another without really settling to anything, which would be worrying if I didn’t know exactly why it’s happening – hello work stress. Unfortunately, this doesn’t get me much in the way of progress on new books.
Scheduling stuff – booked LunaCon. Booked hotel for RavenCon and printed membership form to mail in tomorrow. Con schedule is looking interesting: so far the plan is –
- LunaCon – March 18-20
- RavenCon – April 8 – 10
- NADWCon (Discworld Convention) – July 8 – 11
- PhilCon – November (I haven’t booked this one yet)
I’m considering Balticon, but I might skip that one, just because 3 in 4 months is more than enough.
Other stuff – husband had a bad weekend, but is recovering.
Onward and… well, something.